Ognjen Gligorijević is an artist, (type) designer, and creative director based between Niš, Serbia and Amsterdam, the Netherlands.

→ Small talk by the border
De Bouwput Gallery
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
19.02. - 22.02.2024.
Jovana Ćirić
Milica Jordanov

Ognjen Gligorijević is an artist, creative director, and type designer living and working between Niš, RS and Amsterdam, NL. Employing various mediums like painting, installation, sound, and video, Gligorijević’s multidisciplinary practice intently reworks space to question and extend one’s perception of reality, identities, and social roles.

In his installation "Small Talks By The Border," Gligorijević explores the fluidity of identity and its classification in contemporary intercultural power dynamics. The border—a symbolic space where identities are both constrained and liberated—the installation probes the complexities of nationality and its impact on social categorization, using passports as tangible artifacts of identity. Small talk by the border questions identity and nationality and its role in shaping our understanding of reality. This is the border, a non-space where subjectivities are lost in rigid classification, morphing between conformity and non-conformity.

“X” Audio Visual Installation
In collaboration with videographer Jovana Ciric

Part of the installation “Small talk by the border”
230 x 230cm, 2024
Mixed media
“Default positioning”
Installation view from exhibition “Small talk by the border”
Variable Size, 2024
Acrylic paint, acrylic spray, chalk spray, UV Tape
Details from installation

“Default positioning”
Installation view from exhibition “Small talk by the border”
Variable Size, 2024
Acrylic paint, acrylic spray, chalk spray, UV Tape

Part of the installation “Small talk by the border”
Aluminium, acrylic paint, chalk, digital print, UV tape, LED light
2 x 4m, 2024

Part of the installation “Small talk by the border”
Variable size, 2024
Latex, cables, spotlight, UV tape, LED light, passport, acrylic spray